What is Concierge Medicine?
Concierge medicine is a new model of healthcare that puts the focus back on the Patient-Doctor Relationship by removing the middlemen. The middlemen include insurance companies, corporate health systems, and government subsidized insurance. Cutting ties with the middlemen eliminates mountains of billing paperwork and other exorbitant administrative tasks, thus reducing overhead costs and leaving more time for providers to focus on patients. Every patient pays a flat monthly fee to become a member of our practice, which also allows the physician to lessen the provider practice size from several thousand to a few hundred patients. This equals easier access to medical care, more time and detailed attention to each patient resulting in happier patients, lower costs for patients, as well as improved clinical outcomes. In addition to providing their patients with low cash prices on blood tests and imaging, such as X-rays or MRIs, concierge medicine practices have also been shown to decrease ER visits, referrals to specialists and even surgeries. However, should a major medical issue or emergency arise, we are here to be your advocate. We will help you navigate through the complex, frustrating, and potentially dangerous gaps in today’s healthcare system. Essentially, we become a trusted friend and source for all things medical.