
Are you ready to see your Doctor again? Do you prefer Tele-Health or In-Person?

One of the ways our healthcare providers can interact with you during this period of concern is through our telehealth platform. Our Providers may use live video, audio, and instant messaging to communicate with you remotely. This may include a new patient consult, checking in after an in-person visit, or responding to any questions about your diagnosis, condition, or treatment plan.

You, however; may still wish to see our providers the traditional way by visiting one of our two clinics in person. This is why we are sending this reminder that we are still here for you Monday through Friday from 9 am to 3 Pm.

For the safety and peace of mind of all our patients and staff, we have instituted even more stringent infectious disease control measures to include constantly sanitizing all areas of the clinics to include the lobby, corridors, walls, floors, and all our treatment rooms prior to and after each individual patient appointment. We have instituted a patient scheduling system that makes every effort to stagger patient appointments as much as possible. This affords each patient privacy and little to no exposure to other patients during their in-office consult. All our providers and staff also wear Personal Protective Equipment during every patient visit.

While we continue to offer COVID-19 testing, to minimize any exposure to our other patients and staff, trained and designated healthcare personnel perform these tests outside our clinic through our drive through COVID-19 testing lane.

If you are currently suffering from migraines, chronic fatigue, allergies, or flu-like symptoms, ask us about a new therapy we have been administering to patients reporting excellent results. The therapy is a prescription dose vitamin infusion administered by one of our providers in the clinic or in the comfort of your own home.

Our main clinic is located west of Boerne 1.5 miles past Home Depot at:

138 TX-46 W
Boerne, TX 78006

Call us (830) 630-9020 or Book your appointment online at www.lwfmboerne.com to learn more about all the innovative healthcare initiatives we have implemented here at Living Well Family Medicine & Aesthetics of Boerne.

Boerne Location
138 TX-46, Boerne, TX 78006

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